Book 2 is out!
Our second book in the Layla Ballerina series is out and available via Amazon, Barnes&Nobles, Wallmart and more online bookstores around the world.
Book 2 on Amazon
ballet boek
Layla gaat op ballet
Een boekje voor ouders met kids die interesse in ballet hebben. Met prachtige illustraties. Ga mee met Layla naar haar allereerste balletles bij de dansschool.
A few things we’re great at
Tutorials and dance alongs
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BalletVioletta Shop at Red Bubble
Check out ballet inspired merchandise in our Red Bubble Shop.Go see the shop.

Who are we?
Started in 2006 as a brick and mortar balletstudio in the Netherlands. Teaching and enjoying ballet, modern dance, jazz dance, Pilates and more with a lot of students. Performing in theatres and different locations outside at events. Helped students prepare to get into professional schools and become professional dancers and teachers.
Stopped being brick and mortar in 2018. Teaching expats ballet in big cities in the Netherlands and starting teaching ballet at a university.
Getting into online teaching since 2018 and actively teaching more online in 2019 till 2022.
Online classes have stopped, classes at the Uni continue and more focus on teaching via content on YouTube, books and merch.
Enjoy dancing!
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